Worried that you might purchase the skin care products that are not suitable to your skin condition? Worried that the products are not as effective as advertised? Let's share your reviews here with all other ladies in Malaysia! Let us know what is worth buying and what is not! I will try to upload as many products as possible. In case I missed out any, please do notify me immediately! Let's all work together to create a beautiful society in Malaysia!


Monday, July 26, 2010



FASIO 眼唇柔净卸妆液

Price: RM19.90

Size: 120ml

Available at Watsons

Neatly removes stubborm make-up yet is gentle to the skin.

- Easily removes stubborm point make-up,but is gentle to delicate eye areas and lips.
- Skin feels fresh and is not oily after wiping off make-up with this refreshingly moist remover.
- Colorant free,mild fragrance.

能快速与脏污相融的 化型眼唇卸妆液,防水型的睫毛膏也能顺利溶解﹑俐落卸除。
与涙液PH値相同的处方,纤细双眼也能安心 用。
添加3种类的油脂成分,提升滋润感,让 用后的肌肤不感紧绷。

取适量于化妆绵上,闭起眼睛将含有卸妆液的化妆绵贴合眼部约15秒左右,以化妆绵含住轻擦般 卸妆液充分溶解彩妆。之后避免摩擦拉扯,轻轻拭除彩妆即可。


The Healing Game said...

it is super good for me..cheap but nice..

Source: http://www.malaysianbabes.net/forum/index.php?/topic/25636-fasio-point-make-up-remover/

The Healing Game said...

It is quite cheap, I bought it for about RM15 during the sales time. However, it doesn't work well on me. It stings my eyes and need a lot of effort to remove all my make up completely.

Source: http://www.malaysianbabes.net/forum/index.php?/topic/25636-fasio-point-make-up-remover/

The Healing Game said...

You might wanna try Fasio Point Make Up Remover. I have been using it for quite sometimes and it does wonder in cleansing the eye makeup.

Source: http://redmummy.com/2009/05/21/so-what-is-your-make-up-for-today/

The Healing Game said...

I really love this makeup remover! It works great to remove waterproof mascara and stubborn makeup, and I love the mild floral-like scent. But above all, I love that it doesn't leave the skin feeling oily like most makeup removers do. This is a new version from the one that contains water lily extract - it contains almond oil, safflower seed oil and sunflower seed oil instead. It doesn't sting your eyes as the pH is the same as tears, so that's a bonus!

Source: http://thepinkstilettos.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html

The Healing Game said...

It is a eye makeup remover that I have been using it for years! I use it to remove stubborn lip colour from my lips too.

Age: 36-43
Skin: Combination

Source: http://www.makeupalley.com/product/showreview.asp/ItemId=49809/Point_Makeup_Remover/Fasio/Cleansers

The Healing Game said...

I like this product. It works extremely well with their own range of mascaras of course, I haven't tried with any brands. I used the Hyperstay as well as the Shock-Free ones and the remover simply really does it's job.

The main idea is to drop a few drops on to a clean cotton pad, hold it on your eye and let it sit for about 15 to 20 seconds. Then gently swipe it down. It works so well and I tossed out my Artistry, Maybelline and Loreal ones which are hopeless against my favourite waterproof mascaras.

The newer versions comes in the same ph as tears and a less stinging than some others. My eyes and skin are kind of sensitive and this one did not sting my lids.

I also like the almond, safflower see and sunflower oil extract knowing that good stuff are going on to my skin. Other thing I like about this is that the formula = gel like water. WON'T DRIP as much as I wasted my other removers. If I need to clean up a little below my eye or mistake, I just let my q-tip dab on it and voila, it does the job!

I will definitely repurchase as I like it - for the price and size. Worth my $$. Good stuff!

Age: 19-24
Skin: Combination

Source: http://www.makeupalley.com/product/showreview.asp/ItemId=49809/Point_Makeup_Remover/Fasio/Cleansers

The Healing Game said...

Too irritating for eyes. Cleaning is not very effective considering the huge irritation. I would much prefer loreal or maybelline.

Age: 19-24
Skin: Oily

Source: http://www.makeupalley.com/product/showreview.asp/ItemId=19198/Fasio_Point_Makeup_Remover/Kose/Skincare_-_Face

The Healing Game said...

Not a bad makeup remover for basic use.

I recommend following the instructions to the T, i.e. SOAKING the cotton pad with a lot of remover. And pressing the cotton pad on your eyes for long enough. I had to wipe my eyeliner off, instead of it miraculously coming off without the wiping motion, as the bottle claims. So I feel that this hurts the skin around my eyes, as the rubbing need to be quite rough before my eyeliner came up completely.

Other than that, it passes the basics of a MU remover, no damage to my hypersensitive skin, and not oily after rinsing off.

Age: 19-24
Skin: Sensitive

Source: http://www.makeupalley.com/product/showreview.asp/ItemId=19198/Fasio_Point_Makeup_Remover/Kose/Skincare_-_Face

The Healing Game said...

i don't like this. i can't stand the smell of it. it's too runny and i have less control over it. it's hard to squeeze out. it's very cheap...suitable for ppl who don't want to use cleansing oil. it's ok in removing makeup.

Age: 19-24
Skin: Oily

Source: http://www.makeupalley.com/product/showreview.asp/ItemId=19198/Fasio_Point_Makeup_Remover/Kose/Skincare_-_Face

The Healing Game said...

我是用他们家的眼唇卸妆液,卸别家的睫毛膏,质地是还不错,但老实说...清洁能力很不好。所以都被我拿 单纯卸眼影的妆。

Source: http://www.fglady.cn/BMsgL/07/TopicL_6953_9.html

The Healing Game said...

而且也要敷很久 用量也很多
只买了一罐 还挺大罐的

Source: http://www.fglady.cn/BMsgL/07/TopicL_6953_9.html

The Healing Game said...


Source: http://www.fglady.cn/BMsgL/07/TopicL_6953_9.html

The Healing Game said...

我也是看到FG上的评鉴才去买 用用看的

Source: http://www.fglady.cn/BMsgL/07/TopicL_6953_9.html

The Healing Game said...

有鉴于第一代的好用才想说买 试试看

Source: http://www.fglady.cn/BMsgL/07/TopicL_6953_9.html

The Healing Game said...

凝露状的清爽直地用起 不油腻

Source: http://www.fglady.cn/BMsgL/07/TopicL_6953_9.html